Ok, I'll admit it - I woke up at 3:30 this morning (not on purpose), and proceeded to watch the Royal Wedding in all its entirety and fanfare. (I had set my alarm for 4:45 so I could just catch the ceremony, but I slept fitfully and found myself wide awake at 3:30.) Honestly, I was quite taken with all of the pomp and pageantry - the British certainly know how to celebrate and celebrate big! I really only desired to see a few things - particularly how one conducts a Royal Wedding ceremony, and, quite honestly, I seriously couldn't wait any longer to see Kate's dress and how she did her hair. (I am so envious of her hair, it's bordering on sinful.)
While our wedding was certainly not a grand affair like William and Catherine's, there were so many small moments that I watched today where I thought back to our wedding day, and it was almost as if the feelings and butterflies of each particular moment came whooshing back into my memory. For instance, Catherine and her father paused for only a moment before beginning their walk down the aisle to William. My walk down the aisle with my father was somewhat similar, as I asked him just to straighten my train before we walked down the aisle (unlike Catherine, I didn't have the luxury of my sister behind me to do the straightening once it was time to walk!). I remember so vividly that moment - Dad had just quoted one of my favorite lines from my favorite movie, Field of Dreams. Then, he announced, "Let's go." With that, I walked out from behind the partition, faced the doors to the church, Dad straightened my train, and we walked to B. I honestly had about a million butterflies in my stomach at that very moment (I imagine the Duchess of Cambridge probably felt similarly at some point today), yet when we walked down the aisle, it was almost as if my peripheral vision blurred completely and the only person I could see was B, waiting for me. Catherine's walk was undoubtedly longer (some have said it took nine minutes!), but the emotions and feelings of that walk down the aisle were, I'm certain, similar to the ones I felt but 20 month ago.
In a word? The royal nuptials were gorgeous, and no doubt history in the making. And while I am still tired from having woken up so early, it was certainly interesting and exciting to watch something so foreign to Americans - a monarchy - celebrate something so beautiful.
a presto. :)
picture of William & Catherine source
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