Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Giovanni Paolo

In the midst of all of the joy surrounding my sister-in-law's wedding on April 2nd, there was but a brief moment where I was able to recall the events of the same day six years earlier, when, as an 18-year-old freshman in college, I kept vigil for 36 hours, waiting on word about my ailing spiritual grandfather, His Holiness John Paul II.  The time I spent on April 2, 2011 reflecting on the events of April 2, 2005 was but a sliver in the 24-hour day.  There was, after all, a most joyous occasion to celebrate that day - the marriage of B's sister!  

Yet in the back of my mind, I remembered John Paul, and the feelings and emotions and sentiments of that day six years ago.  I recall clearly the feeling of abandonment, that our grandfather had gone before us, and I remember vividly the palpable grief that followed his passing from this life into the next, which eventually changed to immense joy at the thought that he, John Paul would now, by the mercies and grace of God, spend eternity with the Lover of his soul.  It was a painful, grief-filled, yet joyous week between John Paul's passing and his funeral Mass.  

And in the midst of the grief and the sorrow that accompanied the passing of John Paul, God was there, truly present to Holy Mother Church.  While the faithful waited anxiously for a new shepherd to be elected, God knew exactly what His Church needed - and gave us a tremendous gift in the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to the papacy.  It is a gift for which we could never be adequately thankful.  

To say that I look forward to John Paul's imminent beatification is most likely an understatement.  For awhile, B and I joked about throwing a "beatification party," and if our finances weren't so tight, we would be considering it more seriously.  I could not ever thank John Paul enough for his influence on my young life - for assuring me of his love for and hope in the youth of the Church, for encouraging me in my own personal sufferings by his example, and by his countless prayers from Heaven since his passing.  To honor John Paul's memory in our own small way, should God grant us the gift of sons, our second boy will be named John Paul, and I trust that he will have a loving patron, his namesake, offering many prayers on his behalf.  

Holy Father, thank you for your witness of Christ's love to all of us, and for your yes to God's desire that you guide His holy Church.  Pray for us as we strive to follow your example!  

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