Saturday, April 16, 2011

tantissimi auguri!

Happy Birthday, Holy Father!
Here's a fun fact: Joseph Ratzinger was born on April 16, 1927, which was, in 1927, Holy Saturday.  He was born in the morning and taken to the local church in the evening, and baptized during the Easter Vigil! 

The picture above was taken in 2008, during the Holy Father's visit to the United States.  And, if it weren't the day before Palm Sunday this year, we'd also be indulging in cake, to celebrate and thank God for the life of Pope Benedict!  (Instead, I'll bake a cake during the first week of Easter and we'll enjoy some birthday cake in ten days.)  

Ad multos annos, Santo Padre! 
Picture source

Update: We just returned from a late-night frozen custard run to honor our beloved Pontiff's birthday (and if you asked my husband, to counter the extra spicy chili I made for dinner tonight).  Seeing as it's the day before Palm Sunday - major discipline fail.  

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