Tuesday, April 13, 2010

wedding wednesday

an hour early. :-)

We were only about two minutes from the church - our photographer found this amazing tree literally just down the road.  What you don't realize from this picture was that we had to wade up to almost our waists in thick, meadow-like grass in order to get up the hill to this tree.  By that time, I was thinking, "Heck - sounds good to me!  The ceremony's over, so the dress can get a little mussed up!"  
 Looking back on it, however, I definitely should have worn different shoes for this part of pictures.  :-)  

B and I are gearing up for wedding season 2010 - we had a wedding in Texas about six weeks ago to kick things off, and, if we've calculated right, we have six more to attend between now and September.  Some of our dear friends were actually engaged over the weekend and are planning August nuptials - amazingly beautiful!  We're looking forward to traveling for some of these weddings (we actually need to book some plane tickets to Kansas City for a wedding in July), getting into "wedding attire" shape, and maybe even purchasing some new digs for some of these occasions!  (I'm getting a new dress from my mom for my birthday, so I'm particularly excited about that!) 

It is truly an honor to be present at these occasions - to witness a beautiful couple stand before God and their families and unite themselves to one another for life.  Each time, it reminds me of the beautiful vows we took last August, and almost serves as an examination of conscience for me.  Am I living out the vows I made to B at our wedding Mass?  Am I being faithful to the promises I made to him, and to God, on that day?  And then, I am reminded of my human frailties and the times I've stumbled in these past eight months, and resolve to be a better wife to B, and to live out better my vocation so as to give all the glory to my Father God. 

Picutre taken by Narella Studio, www.narella-studio.com

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