Thursday, April 8, 2010

ten quick things! i am.....

1. listening to "Dancing with Myself" from the cast of "Glee" as I type this.  It is by far my most favorite song of the soundtrack!  Who knew that they could take a Billy Idol song and make it so dang catchy?!
2. trying to catch World Cup Fever as acutely as my husband.  He just spent the last ten minutes on YouTube watching Maradona, Pele, and a host of other futbol legends.  We're already starting to trash talk about the upcoming tournament - he bleeds Spanish yellow and red, and I bleed the blue of the Italian Azzurri, while we also both root for the red, white, and blue of the American motherland.  It will be quite the start to summer - it is right around the corner!
3. going to attempt to be more faithful to this pitiful excuse of a blog!  I really am - it's sad, the infrequency of it.  If anything, I would like to use it as a journal of our lives together - growing up, figuring stuff out, and, God willing, raising children.  
4. filing my taxes with my dad this weekend.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute!  I certainly wanted them to be filed sooner, but a mix-up with payroll at work kept me from getting my final W-2 until just this week!  Ugh....
5. booking airplane tickets to Denver for about a month from now!  We're hoping to get out west to see my brother-in-law graduate from college.  I have never been to Colorado, so I am super excited at the prospect of going!  I can only stay for a couple days - my husband will stay longer and I'm going to need to fly home two days early, as I'm the confirmation sponsor for my cousin in his ceremony that weekend (actually, the day of the graduation ceremony, too).  But I am so very excited to see my in-laws again - haven't seen them since the wedding!  
6. enjoying immensely our high-resolution wedding photos.  They are just as beautiful as the day they were taken.  They transport us right back to that beautiful, sacramental day!  :-)  
7. anticipating the cooking of beef stroganoff for Divine Mercy Sunday.  The dear, wonderful priest who presided at our Nuptial Mass back in August will come to our apartment on Sunday for a long overdue visit.  His assignment is downtown with the UW crowd, so he rarely has a free moment - this will certainly be a treat (not to mention a blessing) for us.  I promised him a stroganoff from Williams-Sonoma's slow cooker cookbook - let's hope it turns out as well as it did the first time I made it! 
8. learning (always!) to trust the plan of my Father God.  We're back in the throes of uncertainty these days, not quite sure where we'll end up for the next academic year.  Law school applications are being thrown around, letters are slowly trickling in, and in the midst of all of that, we're trying to remember that He has our best intentions in mind, and that He really does will the best for us.  It's just painfully hard for us to recall that, when we're living in what seems like a mess of confusion!  Jesus, I trust in You.  :-)  
9. continuing, ever so slowly, to organize our apartment.  It sure does seem that life gets in the way, every time I try to tidy and organize our belongings in this space.  As soon as the bedroom is clean, all of a sudden, life happens! -And I'm caught in the struggle of trying not to fall behind in household chores.  Someday, I will (God willing!) master the ability to keep on top of things!
10. listening, now, to "Africa" by Toto, and needing to wake up my husband from his nap soon!  Then we're off to the tech school campus for his last class of the week, and I'm off to hang out with my cousin while her mom hosts a get-together at her house.  Pair that with our weekly viewing of Project Runway (really, often our only "quality time" of the week), and it plans to be quite the evening!  :-)  

a presto!

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