Thursday, April 15, 2010

ten quick things! i am....

1.  beginning to have an unhealthy obsession with Glee!  My mom gave me a giftcard to Target as an "Easter gift" a few weekends ago and I used it this week to buy season one on DVD.  I just can't stop watching it - mostly because of the music.  I could listen to it over and over!  :)
2.  very, very excited for the weddings we'll attend this summer.  Wedding season is nigh upon us - and weddings have been on my mind all week, since we heard the news of our dear friends getting engaged over the weekend, and we received another wedding invitation this week for late June.  If I counted right, we'll attend six weddings between Memorial Day weekend and early August.  It plans to be quite the summer - and we're still so honored to be counted among those to be invited to all of these joyous gatherings!  
3.  dreading having to give the kitchen a good clean scrubbing.  We had the dear priest who married us out for lunch last Sunday, and there are still remnants of that culinary adventure on our kitchen countertop - I haven't dreaded doing the dishes this much since before Lent!  Hoping to wake up early and tackle them all tomorrow morning, or even make a dent tonight at some point.  I don't know what it is about them, but I just hate doing the dishes.  
4.  suffering from a lot of pulled muscles, everywhere!  I have gotten back into an exercise regimen and it's kicking my butt this week.  I've started a walking schedule and I'm trying to implement some free weight/dumbbell lifting too.  Well, my legs are killing me, my feet have blisters, and my abs are hurting from the (very few) crunches I've done this week!  I have definitely been out of an exercising routine for quite some time!  But it's great to get back into the swing of things and to get my heart rate up, even if only for half an hour a day.  
5.  reveling in the fact that we had our taxes taken care of three days before they were due to be postmarked.  We went home to my parents' last weekend for just a day to have my dad help us compile everything - it was my first real lesson in filing taxes and I learned so much.  I didn't learn enough to be comfortable filing them on our own next year, but it was certainly a step in the right direction.  They've been in the mail since Monday - hopefully both the federal and state returns have made it already to their final destinations!  (And we certainly can't wait for the refunds to start coming - we're looking at a refund much higher than I ever expected it to be!)  
6.  enjoying immensely the addition of an aquarium to our apartment!  B and I have been interested in having a small aquarium for awhile now, and we finally acted on it.  We went to PetSmart on Monday to get the lowdown about aquarium maintenance from one of the people on staff, and then returned there yesterday to buy the supplies.  We're hoping to get back there tomorrow morning to get our fish!  We're looking getting a few neon tetras and an African dwarf frog.  (I could have done without the frog, but B seems to really want it!)  We found a great used TV stand at Goodwill for $7.00 on Monday night, which has turned out to be the perfect piece of furniture for our little aquarium.  I can't wait for it to be complete - hopefully at this time tomorrow!  
7.  asking the prayers of anyone and everyone for B's spot on the waiting list at the law school.  We seem to have asked the prayers of everyone we've come across these last few days - it is such an honor (and a relief) to have so many kind souls lifting us up in prayer.  We haven't heard anything yet, but B has started to write the supplementary letter he will submit to the admissions committee  to reinforce his intent to enroll at the law school, should he be accepted.  
8.  rejoicing in the gift of the life of our Holy Father, who will turn 83 years old tomorrow!  I remain so very grateful to Father God for the gift of Pope Benedict XVI to the world.  And I can't believe that he will have been Pope five years, starting on the anniversary of his election, on Monday the 19th!  Hoping that we can celebrate somehow tomorrow, maybe with some sweets?  Despite the mudslinging in the mainstream media and the fallout from it, I am in unequivocal support of our Holy Father.  He is a wonderfully pious, holy man!  
9.  looking forward to my birthday, in just about a week's time!  I have no idea what B has planned for that weekend (if anything!).  Nonetheless, I am very much looking forward to it, if only because B has the weekend off!  :)
10.  watching Braveheart, and eagerly anticipating my husband's return from class!  Thursdays are really hard on him - class is all the way on the east side (about 45 minutes from where we live) and class usually goes until 9:00, if not a little later.  Here's hoping he's already on his way home!  

A presto!

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