Sunday, April 18, 2010

il Santo Padre

picture from

I am sick and tired of the attacks on the Holy Father.  

I am sick and tired of journalists and mainstream media-types thinking they have some kind of authority to pass judgment on how the situation was handled and is still being handled.  

I am sick and tired of people calling for him to resign.  If people truly sought to understand the dignity and gravity of the papacy, they would quickly realize that resignation, especially for this Holy Father, is simply not an option.  

I am sick and tired of the following words used to describe the church: old, hierarchical, patriarchal, antiquated, obsolete, out-of-touch, insensitive, etc.  

I am sick and tired of the evil one and his despicable, deplorable, slimy hands in all of this.  

This Holy Father, il Santo Padre, even five years after his election (Thanks be to God, five years ago tomorrow!), is still so misunderstood.  For the media to suggest that this man, the Vicar of Christ, is out of touch with the Bride of Christ is simply baffling. 

......In other news, B and I are, no doubt, more tired than usual this Sunday morning.  We were roused from sleep around 1:00 this morning to the sound of banging and hysterical, blood-curdling shrieks from our front door.  In our just-awake stupor and in the midst of trying to get our bearings, we were able to call the police and report what we heard.  I kept post at our bedroom window, straining to see if the source of the voice had yet moved from our door - which it hadn't, which made me dread what the authorities would find once they arrived at our apartment.  

Thankfully, the police arrived about fifteen minutes later - two squad cars and three officers, in fact - and, as it turns out, a pair of highly intoxicated souls had stumbled to our door, believing that our apartment was where they were staying the night.  When we didn't answer, they panicked - albeit a bit melodramatically, as they were screaming and banging with what seemed to be an air of sheer panic.  The officers were able to get them both on their feet and into the squad cars.  I certainly hope they were able to get the help they needed last night.  So, needless to say, after about an hourlong saga, around 2:00 we went back to bed - and the 4:45 alarm so B could get up in time for work came much too fast this morning.  

What a night!  

A presto :)

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