Saturday, February 26, 2011

ten quick things! i am....

1. happily resuming these silly little interlude posts that I used to do last spring.  It's fun to go back and look at those and see what little things we were up to - a new recipe we were trying, what music we listened to, what twists and turns life took, that kind of thing.  Call it my measly attempt at starting a type of weekly journal.  
2. Dogsitting for my aunt and uncle this weekend.  They are in La Isla del Encanto for a friend's daughter's wedding and we are here watching their two cocker spaniels (and serving as a bit of an adult presence for their teenagers - who don't really need us here, but we're happy to be here regardless!).  It's been really fun - I'm pretty sure we're a bit uncool to my teenage cousins, but it's still be enjoyable to see what their everyday life is like (at least to an extent).  And might I add that the dogs are hilarious?  Cheap entertainment at its best.  :-)    
3. Celebrating my sister's birthday tomorrow.  My sister doesn't like to drive in "the big city" where we live (although my Texan husband would argue that our city is more like a town, compared to where he grew up), so when she comes to visit we either meet her halfway and drive her car the rest of the way, or my mom brings her halfway.  This time, it didn't work out to do either, so B graciously offered to drive there and back (total travel time: 4 hours) to go get her so we could celebrate her birthday here tomorrow.  (Rumor is that all she wants to do to ring in the birthday is eat appetizers and watch the Academy Awards.)  They are on their way back now, hopefully back by 6:30 so we can all head to Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner.  :-)  On the docket for tomorrow: Mass, Banana Cream Pie (her request), a dog birthday party (my cousin's Labrador Retriever is turning one tomorrow too), and the big awards show.  It should be quite the day.  :)  
4. anxiously awaiting word on a potential job offer.  Not much I want to say here, in case it wouldn't work out, but I am extremely excited at the possibility.  Word is that they were checking in with my references this past week.  It is a particularly unique opportunity with a non-profit organization here in town.  At this point, I just want to hear back - it has become a month-long application and interview process and, if I'm the right candidate for them, I can't wait to get started!  :)
5. scouring the internet for reasonable airline fare.  We are due to travel ourselves to La Isla del Encanto in just under five weeks, for B's sister's wedding.  We are (hopefully) going to stay for ten days - that is, if this job works out and I am able to secure that amount of time off.  (In any event, B would stay for ten days and I would potentially come home early.)  Our nephew will be baptized the following weekend, so staying through the first two weekends in April would be wonderful, but I am more than content with having to come home in the event that the organization would need me to be back earlier.  This has been a particular challenge for us - money is still extremely tight as our payday schedule has adjusted with B's new job (and our savings has been significantly depleted during B's month of unemployment in December), so we are definitely going to have to rely on assistance from our parents to secure the airfare.  And if the airfare was cheaper, it would be that much easier to pay for!  Right now, tickets for that window are about $500 apiece.  Repeatedly in this process of looking for airfare, we have laughed and thought to ourselves, "this wedding just had to be in Puerto Rico" - meaning, it just had to be in a location where the airfare was going to be particularly expensive.  Despite our own selfish ideas about where the location of the wedding should have been, we will do our best to be there, to be supportive, and to do whatever we can to make the day go smoothly and wonderfully for B's sister.   
6. rejoicing in the births of new babies, and the anticipated arrivals of many others.  I would probably need three hands to be able to count the amount of couples we know who are expecting children between now and September.  

......and Blogger had an error while saving (probably because of my temperamental internet connection) and I basically lost 6-10.  RATS!  To be continued tomorrow, because I am not particularly wanting to re-type everything.  

For my own reference, 7-10 is:
7. already planning out our summer. 
8. anxiously awaiting the return of baseball.  
9. continuing to follow the political heatedness that has taken over our fair city.  
10. watching Taken!  

a presto, tutti, a presto :)

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