Monday, March 7, 2011

and my hopes to see the Supreme Court in action are dashed once again....

because the Badger Catholic lawsuit has definitively ended!

I had the unique opportunity to be involved, in a small way, in these lawsuits with my alma mater during my college career.  It was a special, albeit somewhat crazy, glimpse into the constitutional law process and one that I would not trade.  I am grateful that the law has prevailed and that our First Amendment rights have been upheld, although I would be lying if I didn't say I am somewhat disappointed to not have an opportunity to travel to DC to see the Supreme Court in oral argument!  

When we discussed this tonight, B and I decided to travel there soon regardless, to watch an argument and to see the Justices in action (probably in the fall).  Hopefully we follow through on our plans!  

a presto 

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