Thursday, February 3, 2011

ogni giorno della mia vita.

There has been an extended hiatus to this blog, to say the least.  It really does remain my fervent hope that I can post a little more regularly here.  Much of the problem is that the seemingly incessant ramblings in my head are so deeply personal, there is little at the moment that I feel comfortable sharing with this anonymous blogosphere.  While I am close to certain the readership of this blog is slim to none, these whisperings of my head and more importantly, of my heart, are truly things to be prayed through between me and Him - my Lord and my Love.  In the meantime, I'll continue to post meaningful (albeit not very personal) ramblings that I want to archive here: quotes, pictures, news articles, and the like.  

I am reminded every day, while our small microcosm of the world seems to spin about with uncertainties about the future, graduate school, raising a family, it seems as though everyone around us is "moving on", so to speak - by building families, securing long-term jobs and housing, and establishing themselves among us.  There are days where this realization, the realization that we're just not there yet, is perfectly and entirely painful, and I have to will my entire being to nail my heart to His Cross.  Yet, in the midst of the frenzy, and the uncertainty, and the seemingly endless storm of life I'm in, there is one truth that I cling to with all of my might.  

I am a child of God.  

No matter what goes right, no matter what goes wrong, no matter what the circumstances of my life at this very moment.....I am His.  

Let this be the reason I live every moment of every day.  

a presto.

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