Tuesday, July 20, 2010

where we're at

This post is both an exercise in describing where we're at right now, as well as a checklist of progress we've made (simply for yours truly) in preparation for our move.  
Thus, without further ado.....where we're at!  

- We're down to two options: staying in Madison (and B reapplying to law school for Fall 2011) and moving to Naples, FL and B enrolling in a law school there (this one is dependent on his admission into the entering class off their waiting list).  It is a relief to be so close to knowing our final outcome, but with being so close comes, at least for me, a real bout of impatience.  I went to the mailbox today, just hoping that we would receive some type of closure from the school in Naples, and when there wasn't a scrap of mail there, all I could do was blurt out a frustrated, "come ON!"  I even went back to the mailbox a second time, just to see if perhaps I'd missed the mailman the first time.  I just have to keep reminding myself, Lord, it is Your will we seek, and not our own.  And then I throw in a flustered "but in the meantime, bless me with patience!"

- We're packing - A LOT. I have started the process and it hasn't been terribly overwhelming just yet.  The plan at the moment, if we haven't heard from the school in Naples by July 31st, is to move our stuff into storage until A) we find a suitable apartment in Madison or B) we move to Naples!  I'm finding just two parts of this process a bit overwhelming: the sheer amount of boxes (we will probably have thirty to forty by the time we're done packing) is starting to take over our living space, and I am at a loss with what to do about our laundry.  Part of me just wants to let it accumulate and deal with it later, and another part of me wants to crank out five or six loads right now and be ahead as we look to do our serious moving next week.  I am sure the latter will win - it's just a matter of biting the bullet and getting it done.  Unfortunately, I am very unmotivated to walk all the way around our building to our laundry facilities while it is 85-90 degrees and humid in the middle of the day.  I fear I'll just need to get over it and do it, because I don't think the heat is breaking anytime soon.  

- We're trying - however feebly - to trust our loving Father with whatever plan He might have for us.  I am often the one struggling with this, but I have found a certain peace about things in the past few days.  It hasn't been a complete peace, that's for sure, but it's a start.  I just keep telling myself that this will all get done - somehow, someway, this will all get accomplished.  We will move, wherever that might be, and it will happen when God intends.  In the meantime, as we wait on God's will, I just plug along and do what I need to do in order to get this move started.  For now, that's just a lot of packing.  :-)  

As I left a restaurant where I picked up some dinner for B tonight, I was behind a car that was stopped at a light and was going to go straight through the intersection.  I was in a hurry to get home (one of my weaknesses and struggles lately has been with showing charity to my fellow drivers), and tried my darnedest to wiggle my way between the van and the curb to sneak around her to turn right, but to no avail.  As I waited, impatiently, for the light to turn, I saw that the van had the simplest of bumper stickers on the back: a small image of the Divine Mercy, and Jesus, I trust in You.  How often I need that reminder!  

a presto

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