Friday, November 27, 2009

wedding wednesday (a few days late)....there goes the veil

Quite honestly, this is one of my favorite moments captured on that beautiful day.  Our friend caught on his iPhone the exact moment that my veil came off on our way out of the church!  We're walking out of the church following the Nuptial Mass, and all of a sudden, my head jerks back and.....there goes the veil!  My hopes of having a cathedral veil at the ceremony seemed to backfire in that moment - the beautiful veil then lay in a heap of tulle as my husband and I continued out.  It was hilarious, and our photographer caught a bunch of great shots of the laughs my husband and I shared as we left the church. 

After the wedding, many people put forth their own conclusions regarding "veilgate."  

Hypothesis of my father - did someone step on it on the way out of church?  

My hypothesis after feeling my bridesmaids shove it back into my hair during the wedding homily - was it fastened loosely at the salon that morning?  

Hypothesis of my uncle, who claimed to witness this moment - did my dad step on it on his way back to his seat after giving me away, at the beginning of Mass, causing it to fall out during the recessional?  

Eventually, we reached the conclusion that it was probably stepped on by one of the wedding guests sitting near the aisle.  A moment that will live in infamy, I'm sure :)  
How was that beautiful day already three months ago?  We are so blessed!  
Queen of heaven, pray for us....
a presto

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