Thursday, March 10, 2011

civility - pretty please?

A couple of procedural moves later, and the Senate of my fair state passed the budget repair bill that has been at the forefront of state politics (and of the national media) for the better part of a month.  It happened last night around 6:30 - B and I were completely (and thankfully) oblivious, as we were out the door headed to Ash Wednesday Mass at our parish.  As of this morning, it is scheduled for a vote in the State Assembly. 

As expected, the fallout - and the vitriol - continues just 20 minutes from where B and I live.  The word this morning is that the state Department of Justice is investigating various death threats against Republican Senators who voted for the bill.  My Facebook news feed has been riddled with insults and name-calling towards our Republican lawmakers - the names are not ones I would like to repeat, not ever.  Governor Walker, who did not finish classes at Marquette University when an undergraduate, has been called an uneducated idiot more than once.  As the sister of a remarkable young woman who will probably never receive a college degree because of various circumstances, this smear is one that I tend to get riled up about. 

It is name calling and character attacks like these that make me wonder, have we - on both sides of the political spectrum - forgotten our ability to be civil?  In times like these I'm absolutely certain that we have.  It's time to grow up - on both sides of the issue - and discuss, with a reasonable degree of civility, the issues at hand.  I understand that this is a particularly hot-button issue, an extremely controversial piece of legislation that has the capacity to shape definitively the future of this state in more than one sphere - fiscally, educationally, politically, you name it.  I understand that many public servants feel especially wronged by this political process.  But enough with the character attacks, and, I implore you, stop threatening our lawmakers!  We're not going to get anywhere in this current political stalemate if we continue to act like hyperbolic and hysterical five-year-olds.   

Thus endeth the rant.... 

UPDATE: Around quarter to four this afternoon, after considerable debate, the bill passed through the Assembly with a vote of 53-42.  Shouts of "Shame!  Shame!" filled the chamber following the vote.  The Republicans were taken out of the Capitol with a security escort, and the Assembly has adjourned until next week.  Governor Walker claims he will sign the bill as soon as he is legally able - that is anybody's guess at this point.  

It looks like this is going to get even more interesting as the news spreads and people begin to organize.  I expect that the isthmus will be buzzing with people for several days to come.  

History in the making, folks.  This is really remarkable stuff, no matter what side of the issue you support.  

1 comment:

Angie said...

I've been following things in our fair state too and totally agree with your point re: civility. I think many have forgotten that the desired end (which ever perspective) doesn't justify the means (you can do anything for this result ie: lie, slander, threaten death etc.)
Good post, Liz. And perhaps Providential that you were at Mass praying at the time! There is much for us to pray for this Lent!