Friday, March 18, 2011

what a week!

B and I have had quite the week!  The first half of the week was spent with a two-year-old; she is the daughter of our dear friends who traveled to Florida for a family celebration.  There were plenty of hilarious times and just a few challenging moments.  In all, we had a blast with her - albeit an exhausted blast.  I think B and I are still wiped out, two days after we dropped her with her parents!  

I'm pretty sure B is feeling the brunt of his exhaustion today - he came home from work running a fever, about 100 degrees - not necessarily the classic medical definition of a serious fever, but enough to have him considerably uncomfortable.  He's been asleep since 8:30 and will stay asleep until he wakes up tomorrow morning - I am thinking he needs a really good night's sleep and that will hopefully toss the fever out of his system.  

In all, the time we had with our little friend was exhausting, challenging, wonderful, and, in its own small way, pretty magical.  It was such a blessing to have a little girl to snuggle, to make laugh, to enjoy as a married couple for a few days.  Don't get me wrong, we were completely exhausted most of the time - I remember silently begging to myself that she would fall back asleep when she roused at quarter to six one morning - but it was still magical, and certainly a glimpse into what our family life might look like someday, should God choose to bless us with children.  It will always warm my heart to remember some of the littlest moments of our days with her.  For example, one evening she and I spent a good 25 minutes picking out B's work clothes for the next day - every bit of clothing, even down to the skivvies!  As B washed the dinner dishes, she and I would be in the bedroom, and she would take a piece of clothing, run it out to the kitchen, and say to B, "You wear this to work?" And B, saintly B, would always say "Yes, that is great!" And we would proceed to hang up or fold the clothing somewhere either in the bathroom or living room - a methodical, meticulous, hilarious process.  While fairly ordinary, it was priceless, and one of the fondest memories of our time with her.  

Especially, after our three days with the little one, I know definitively that motherhood will be the greatest challenge of my life.  There are times that realization exhilarates me, and at the same time terrifies me. I remain convinced that, should God choose to bless us with children, I will need to cling to Him in my motherhood to a new and even more intense degree.  

St. Joseph, pray for me!
Mother Mary, pray for me!  

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