Monday, July 19, 2010

bella notte

We had a beautiful night!  We went to visit with some friends and attend their 3-year-old daughter's ballet "recital" - by recital, I mean, four of the most adorable little girls dancing around to three songs.  It was beautiful, and hilarious, and so cute I could almost hardly stand it!  

And then we went to dinner, to a handpicked restaurant by the ballerina herself, and proceeded to dine with them and their three children, all under the age of five (and one more on the way, any day now)!  It was hilarious - complete with screaming, laughing, tickling, you name it.  It was wonderful.  At one point I took the littlest out to the restaurant yard to allow her mom to finish her ice cream cone, and we walked around and smelled the flowers in the landscaping.  It was wonderful.  :-)  

We prayed the rosary on the way home (!), and stopped at Home Depot for more packing boxes, and saw another pair of friends there and saw their new baby for the first time.  I packed more of our things (I'm feeling wildly productive these days), and now, a few hours later, Apollo 13 is winding down on our television set and my wildly adorable husband is snoozing next to me on the couch. 

These simple things in life bring me so much joy!  

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