Wednesday, October 28, 2009

it's official....

And I have the mold (a.k.a. penicillin, see above) to prove it.  I came down with probably my 11 or 12th strep throat infection in my lifetime on Sunday and it has eaten me for breakfast every day since.  Monday was the worst - I was in bed for the better part of the day, save for my ninety minute excursion to urgent care and then, ultimately, to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.

I can definitely understand the medical profession's unease at over-prescribing antibiotics to patients; then the immune system would be shot and unable to absorb antibiotics when and if the body ever encounters a massive infection.  I concede, to be unable to rid your body of an infection because the body can't absorb antibiotics properly would be really nasty.  What I can't understand is the cold hard truth: the fact that I have to shell out over a hundred bucks to undergo a five-second test that I know is going to come back positive.  I like to say that I know strep.  I had probably about half a dozen infections when I was a child, and then another half a dozen in my adolescence and up to now.  Heck, a couple years back, I had strep twice in a year!  But I can't just call up the doc and say, "I'm telling you - it's strep; now write that scrip."  With strep always comes that inconvenient trip to urgent care, the impatient wait to see a doc, and then - always my least favorite part - that merciless swabbing at my tonsils that always, always makes me gag.  Yuck!

Sorry to whine; this seems to be my biannual strep throat rant.  :-) 

In other news.....the Fall Classic is back.  Dang, there is just something about the World Series that gets me every year, no matter who's playing.  It's the cold fall weather, the frosty baseball diamond, the enthusiasm of the fans and ballplayers, the pomp and circumstance with the start of every World Series game.  Gosh, I just love it.  This year is especially wonderful because the Yankees are back for the first time in six years.  I'd like to think their chances are pretty good - but the Phillies are a very talented team.  No matter what the turnout, it will be quite the Series!  

A presto

1 comment:

Paola said...

Hope you have a quick recovery!