Sunday, October 25, 2009

buon compleanno! birthday week!

This week we celebrated my husband's birthday, and a whole lot of other fun things happened too.  I would extrapolate and make this post more descriptive, but it seems I've come down with the preliminary symptoms for strep throat (ugh) and am not feeling up to par at the moment....

New car!  
The Green Machine has been showing her age for the past couple of weeks and we were convinced she wouldn't last much longer.  After some weeks researching and doing his homework, my husband and his mom were able to put the gears in motion for us to receive a new car.  Words can't express how grateful I am for this piece of machinery, and for the generosity of my mother-in-law.  We're just not in the situation to be thinking about independently purchasing a vehicle, so to have her assistance is a blessing that can't quite be put into words.  She never ceases to amaze me - in her generosity, her giving, and most of all, her deep maternal love for her son.  It's a blessing to watch and be a part of!  

Of course, a new car isn't a new car without a lovely bug guts splotch on the windshield, no more than forty miles into ownership.  :)  I kid you not, this splotch was a deep, grape-esque purple.  What kind of bugs are out there in October that have purple guts?

And so continues my "culinary prowess."  My latest masterpiece?  A German chocolate cake for my husband's birthday.  I am not entirely sure it is supposed to be that massively big, but it was certainly tasty, and we have some leftovers to prove it!  

.....And so concluded my husband's birthday week.   

1. We are terribly blessed, by our families, friends, and in particular, by God the Father.  Even when we don't know it, we are blessed! 
2. I'm pretty sure I can cook.  Between a tortilla soup on Monday, apple pies last weekend, and the German chocolate cake this week, I've become something of a menace in the kitchen, and I'm always scouring our cookbooks for new recipes to try out.  We'll see how long it lasts....
3. My husband is an amazing soul, a beautiful expression of married love.  It's my prayer that I would strive always after that same level of married love that he shows me each day.  In ways unknown to me, somehow, God saw it fit that I be married to this man and gave him to me, at a time in my life when I did not see him as a gift, at a time in my life when I wasn't ready for him, at a time in my life when I was just learning about sacrificial love and failing miserably at it.  According to my Heavenly Father - my husband was just what I needed, and, as always - God was right.  What a gift my husband is to me - an immeasurable, incredible, unworthy gift.   

A presto 

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