Wednesday, October 28, 2009

it's official....

And I have the mold (a.k.a. penicillin, see above) to prove it.  I came down with probably my 11 or 12th strep throat infection in my lifetime on Sunday and it has eaten me for breakfast every day since.  Monday was the worst - I was in bed for the better part of the day, save for my ninety minute excursion to urgent care and then, ultimately, to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.

I can definitely understand the medical profession's unease at over-prescribing antibiotics to patients; then the immune system would be shot and unable to absorb antibiotics when and if the body ever encounters a massive infection.  I concede, to be unable to rid your body of an infection because the body can't absorb antibiotics properly would be really nasty.  What I can't understand is the cold hard truth: the fact that I have to shell out over a hundred bucks to undergo a five-second test that I know is going to come back positive.  I like to say that I know strep.  I had probably about half a dozen infections when I was a child, and then another half a dozen in my adolescence and up to now.  Heck, a couple years back, I had strep twice in a year!  But I can't just call up the doc and say, "I'm telling you - it's strep; now write that scrip."  With strep always comes that inconvenient trip to urgent care, the impatient wait to see a doc, and then - always my least favorite part - that merciless swabbing at my tonsils that always, always makes me gag.  Yuck!

Sorry to whine; this seems to be my biannual strep throat rant.  :-) 

In other news.....the Fall Classic is back.  Dang, there is just something about the World Series that gets me every year, no matter who's playing.  It's the cold fall weather, the frosty baseball diamond, the enthusiasm of the fans and ballplayers, the pomp and circumstance with the start of every World Series game.  Gosh, I just love it.  This year is especially wonderful because the Yankees are back for the first time in six years.  I'd like to think their chances are pretty good - but the Phillies are a very talented team.  No matter what the turnout, it will be quite the Series!  

A presto

Sunday, October 25, 2009

buon compleanno! birthday week!

This week we celebrated my husband's birthday, and a whole lot of other fun things happened too.  I would extrapolate and make this post more descriptive, but it seems I've come down with the preliminary symptoms for strep throat (ugh) and am not feeling up to par at the moment....

New car!  
The Green Machine has been showing her age for the past couple of weeks and we were convinced she wouldn't last much longer.  After some weeks researching and doing his homework, my husband and his mom were able to put the gears in motion for us to receive a new car.  Words can't express how grateful I am for this piece of machinery, and for the generosity of my mother-in-law.  We're just not in the situation to be thinking about independently purchasing a vehicle, so to have her assistance is a blessing that can't quite be put into words.  She never ceases to amaze me - in her generosity, her giving, and most of all, her deep maternal love for her son.  It's a blessing to watch and be a part of!  

Of course, a new car isn't a new car without a lovely bug guts splotch on the windshield, no more than forty miles into ownership.  :)  I kid you not, this splotch was a deep, grape-esque purple.  What kind of bugs are out there in October that have purple guts?

And so continues my "culinary prowess."  My latest masterpiece?  A German chocolate cake for my husband's birthday.  I am not entirely sure it is supposed to be that massively big, but it was certainly tasty, and we have some leftovers to prove it!  

.....And so concluded my husband's birthday week.   

1. We are terribly blessed, by our families, friends, and in particular, by God the Father.  Even when we don't know it, we are blessed! 
2. I'm pretty sure I can cook.  Between a tortilla soup on Monday, apple pies last weekend, and the German chocolate cake this week, I've become something of a menace in the kitchen, and I'm always scouring our cookbooks for new recipes to try out.  We'll see how long it lasts....
3. My husband is an amazing soul, a beautiful expression of married love.  It's my prayer that I would strive always after that same level of married love that he shows me each day.  In ways unknown to me, somehow, God saw it fit that I be married to this man and gave him to me, at a time in my life when I did not see him as a gift, at a time in my life when I wasn't ready for him, at a time in my life when I was just learning about sacrificial love and failing miserably at it.  According to my Heavenly Father - my husband was just what I needed, and, as always - God was right.  What a gift my husband is to me - an immeasurable, incredible, unworthy gift.   

A presto 

Monday, October 19, 2009

one of those moments

You know, we just don't recognize
  the most significant moments of our lives while they're happening.
- Moonlight Graham to Ray Kinsella, Field of Dreams
That day seven weeks and two days ago was one of those moments. It was terribly surreal, incredibly fast, and now, but a memory, that my husband and I will cherish forever.

In the same conversation in Field of Dreams, Moonlight Graham describes to Ray his memories of playing baseball, the feelings and sensations evoked upon the memory of a certain sound, taste, smell on the ballfield. There are times that our wedding day does that to me, too. We've recently taken a liking to listening to the hymns from our Nuptial Mass - even something as simple as the first note of the processional brings me right back to that moment, the moment where the world stood still and I saw my groom - the man who will ultimately fulfill my vocation - waiting for me at the altar.
Wow.  :) 
Photo above courtesy of Dave Watkins of Narella Studio,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

the nobel peace prize....

is a complete joke.  No, really, it is.  I would go into a full-fledged rant but it just wouldn't be worth it. 

In one last vent, I'm not particularly a fan of one side of a dispute making its argument and completely disallowing the other side a rebuttal.  It doesn't matter the means by which the other party closes the argument, what matters is that the other side isn't offered even a chance to express their views/opinions/reasons why they disagree.  I also don't like condescension and name-calling.  That's just not fun.  

None of that probably made sense.  It's most me blowing off steam after a pretty juvenile attack on me, wrought with stereotypes and riddled with immaturity.  What's more unfortunate, is that the attack came from a former high school classmate of mine - someone, despite our political differences, I always very much respected (and still do!).   

For the record: I am allowed to disagree with the Peace Prize Committee in their selection!  Get over it!   

Argggggh, sorry.  It drives me crazy!  This is very much a part of the reason that even a political science graduate like myself becomes terribly disillusioned with the American system of governance today.   

Scott Tolzien was just intercepted and OSU ran it back for a touchdown.  Argggggh again!  

A presto

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

it's october....and that means......

that baseball playoffs are back!  Just finished watching the Boys from the Bronx beat the Twins, 7-2.  There's just something about October baseball that is really special - I was a bit disconnected from the playoffs last year due to work, so it's been wonderful to reconnect this year!  

In other news, I am down for the count with a nasty head cold.  I woke up yesterday morning with a scratchy throat and some pressure in the sinus/temple region, and by this morning it had reared its ugly head and become a full-blown cold, complete with a constant headache (that sinus pressure is so mild but so uncomfortable), stuffy/runny nose (how can a nose be stuffed and runny at the same time?!), intermittent coughing, and pronounced fatigue.  I was supposed to head downtown for the day to catch up on some work at St. Paul's, but opted not to infect the entire student center and instead, perhaps only (and unfortunately) my husband.  Hoping that it will pass in a few days and I can get back to some semblance of normal.  

Last on the docket is our car situation.  The trusty Buick Century that we've had for about ten months, known fondly as "the Green Machine", is ailing fairly rapidly.  We put a couple hundred bucks of repair into it about three weeks ago when the starter failed, and last week, it was serviced and diagnosed as leaking coolant into the engine, which will ultimately be what causes the Green Machine finally to keel over.  We're holding our breath now, significantly rationing our car trips (as few as possible and only on the west side of town, using the bus when necessary to get elsewhere in town), filling the car with coolant as necessary, hoping it starts each time we need it, and........starting the grown-up process of car shopping, and all that it entails.  We're looking at all of our options right now, applying for a loan, and hoping to have the situation resolved sooner rather than later, because we're not sure how much life the Green Machine has remaining!  

The Buick has been a really reliable vehicle, up until about a month ago.  It was sad finally to come to the realization that the car is on its last legs - it served our purposes wonderfully for so long.  We've had so many fond memories in that car.  Embarking on dozens of trips home to visit my family, freezing our butts off in the dead of winter when the heater took forever to work (and would squeal if turned on too quickly - I kid you not), the countless trips we took back to campus in our engagement when Brad would drop me off at home, usually as we prayed a rosary, those trips a beautiful reminder of the sacrifices we were making in engagement for love of each other and of God, in anticipation of the marriage that was to come.  I know we'll both be sad to see the Green Machine leave our lives, but I can't say that I won't welcome a new vehicle and the reliability, and ultimately, the money saving (at least on repairs) that comes with it!  

A presto :-)