Saturday, May 21, 2011

too long

So many different topics to consider on this blog, but the past month has certainly gotten away from me.  How is it May 22nd tomorrow?!  

The Cliffs Notes version is that much is going on in our lives - very good, very exciting things.  Many new goals have sprung forth from these developments.  There's so much to document and to post here, but I don't even know where to begin.  

As far as short-term future blogging goals, I'm hoping to revive "New Meal Monday" this week with a new chili recipe.  Here's hoping I remember to get out my camera when the time comes to make the meal! 

In the meantime, here are 10 extra-short snippets of the goings-on in life right now:

1. I have a job!  Starting July 1st, I'll be diving back into campus ministry full-time after a two-year hiatus.  It is humbling, exhilarating, and exciting to think about being back on campus (my alma mater!) with students, attempting (albeit weakly) to love them like Jesus. 

2. My little sister is engaged!  She'll be married next October, 2012.  It is terribly exciting - and I get to be maid of honor!  (Or, as my husband informed me, matron of honor - it sounds so much older than just maid!)

3. B and I have resolved to begin (slowly) making our way through the seasons of The West Wing.  Considering we just watched the pilot episode this evening, I'd say we have quite a ways to go.  :-)

4. I bought a cilantro plant a week and a half ago, and while I haven't used any of it yet, I am so looking forward to being able to just snip the leaves I need in any given week, instead of buying an entire bunch of cilantro and having about 85% of that bunch go to waste because we just can't use that much cilantro before it spoils.  Hooray for herbs!  I have a small pot of basil and another of chives that have just started sprouting, too.  I am hoping to maintain this trend of keeping our most often used herbs in pots during the summer - it is convenient, low-maintenance, and inexpensive, a great thing! 

5. I am a convert to the FranklinCovey daily system of planning.  (  I sat in on meetings all week at my new job and after a quick introduction to the daily system, I have resolved to integrate that method of planning into my work next year.  I am hoping it can provide a balance to my work/vocation/homekeeping and increase my effectiveness in each of these areas. 

6.  I witnessed a beautiful Nuptial Mass today of two former students with whom I worked during my first stint in campus ministry.  They are a beautiful example of faithful love - I am honored to have known them during their college careers and to have watched from afar their journey to this momentous day. 

7.  "Sway" by Dean Martin might be one of the greatest songs ever.  I'm listening to the Glee cover of this song right now, and it just makes me want to get up and dance!  (Dean's version is best, however!) 

8.  B is making pulled pork for Sunday Dinner tomorrow!  EXCITED!!!!!!!  (pulled pork is one of my very favorite meals, and we've never made it before)  :-)

9.  Making plans to visit Washington, DC this summer to visit my old roommates at the end of June.  They have lived out there for 2+ years, but this is the first time I will visit them there.  I haven't been to the District in ten years, so I am more than looking forward to my return.  It promises to be quite the trip! 

10.  No matter how many times I fall, fail, or make a mistake, I am a beloved child of God.  All of us are.  How mind-boggling is this?! 

a presto. 

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