Friday, February 12, 2010

ten current things. i am:

1. still smelling the glorious aroma of fresh chocolate chip cookies in our apartment. 
2. finally taking a daily multivitamin, something I should have been doing for years.  
3. watching "You've Got Mail."
4. the proud wife of a law school applicant.  B submitted the first of many applications today.  
5. tiredly, exasperatingly, painfully, and sometimes tearfully trying to discern the Lord's will for me in these next few years, particularly in my vocation as a wife.   It is truly a beautiful, sacrificial, wonderful process. 
6. not behind on the dishes, for the first time this week!
7. anxiously awaiting the arrival of my husband back from work!
8. still marveling at my husband's "heart of Joseph."  
9. packing and getting ready to skip town tomorrow - off to Minnesota for the weekend!  
10. no matter how often I forget or disregard it - a child of the Father.  

a presto

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