Tuesday, February 23, 2010

half a year!

It is so hard to believe that half a year has gone by since I married my best friend, the man who teaches me more about myself with each passing day, the man with the heart of Joseph, the man who loves me in spite of my weakness and shows me through his own love for me a glimpse of what the love of the Triune God is for us all.  

I told B tonight, as we reveled in our "half-iversary" by watching the movie "Up" and completing a load of laundry (the simple things), how grateful I am for his heart of Joseph, and the fact that he loves me in spite of my painful weakness and sin.  Brad loves with a heart like that of the foster-father of Jesus - virtually never thinking of his own gain, but that of his family (which, as of this moment, is only me).  To have a husband so committed and so focused to the well-being of his family, so much that he would deny his own pleasure and comfort day in and day out, is more and more humbling as the days go by.  If only I could love "my Joseph" as he loves me!  What love!  Lord, grant me the strength to do so! 

I married one of the most amazing men in the world six months ago.  He is already an incredible husband, and God willing, will be an amazing father, should we be blessed with children.  And I, worthless and sinful as I am, have the blessing, the privilege, the honor, of being his wife for the rest of our lives.  Lord, that I might be fully aware of this blessing every moment of my life!  Thank You!

a presto.

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