Wednesday, January 27, 2010

things i'm learning about living with someone else

1. We both tend to hang onto things that don't necessarily need to be "hung onto".  For example: I still have about a dozen copies of surplus wedding invitations, college textbooks (I am particularly attached to my constitutional law book), and seemingly dozens of tee shirts that I just can't part with.  He's the same way, except with other things - oodles of miscellaneous papers, video gaming equipment, and more clothes than me, it sometimes seems.  

2. With all of this stuff comes the need to downsize and be terribly organized - things we aren't necessarily good at.   I've attempted to tackle our master bedroom and get it organized at least three solid times since we've been at this apartment, and each time I make a true dent in the process, but inevitably wind up tired and discouraged.  It's my hope to get off to Target tomorrow and invest in some big plastic storage containers, just to get the clutter out of the way.  We can tackle and eliminate the excess stuff later, it's the organization I'm really after right now.  

3. Our next apartment has to have the following qualifications (in no particular order of importance): a larger kitchen with more storage space, in-apartment laundry, and extra storage space somewhere on the premises.  To think, we saw an apartment this summer with two of those three qualifications, and we were too timid to jump on it right away, and ended up losing it.  At the time we signed our current lease, I didn't want to say that we "settled" on the apartment, but looking back on that moment six months ago, we definitely rushed into this property.  We (or, probably, just I) were so worried on having the apartment situation resolved before B left for Texas that we hurriedly filled out and dropped off an application at this complex the day before his flight.  I'm realizing now that the rent on these apartments, for the amenities we have, is a bit inflated.  Good to know for future reference!  :)  

Pardon these mindless ramblings - I just spent a good ninety minutes on attempting to organize our master bedroom and I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all.  

a presto

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