Friday, July 22, 2011

right now

And yet again, a month has passed without a single update to this humble blog.  If only I was able to be consistent!  Regarding the internet and social media in general, there's a lot swirling in my head right now, and I'm sure that's part of the reason I've been away from this little cyberhome for awhile.  

Anyway, here's five quick goings-on in our lives right now (too tired to crank out ten): 

1. The full-time job has started!  It's beautiful and wonderful, albeit a little bit slow-going right now.  I know for certain that the pace is only slower because we're in the summer recess.  Give it about three weeks, and the pace will be picking up - and won't relent until about mid-December.  In the words of my mother, "Enjoy the slower pace now, because when you're cranking out those sixty-hour workweeks, you'll miss it!"  I'm not sure I'll miss the slow pace like she says, but I am grateful for this slow pace now, to be able to get my bearings before the academic year and really hash out what needs to happen to begin the year successfully and on the right foot.  I really, truly love being back on campus.  God is so good - I'm so humbled to be back, working for the Catholic campus center to which I owe so much of my own spiritual growth.  

2. Our beautiful godson will be baptized this weekend!  About two months ago, we were asked to be the godparents to a sweet little boy who was then born in mid-June.  It was, yet again, another moment to be completely humbled before the goodness of God.   Right before Christmas last year, it was our dear friends' announcement of the expecting of this precious boy that was the catalyst in allowing for me a moment of deep personal suffering to unite with Jesus.  The sorrow I experienced had absolutely nothing to do with our dear friends - I believe it was simply the timing of their announcement that served as a sort of "breaking point" for me, and my heart very much needed to be pierced at that moment.  As with any suffering, it was a painful moment for me, but it is now, half a year and a beautiful six-week-old godson later, that I have begun to understand God's work in all of this.  He's good, He's really good.  :)  

3. We're moving!  Same complex, but a different - and bigger - apartment.  As excited as I am to move to a bigger space (for the fifth time in as many years, dating back to my college apartments), I am not looking forward to the inevitable packing and unpacking that will have to occur, especially as the move will coincide with my work at the Catholic campus center picking up for the academic year.  Yet I know that it will all happen - it always does, everything happens as it needs to, and while it seems daunting in the moment, when I have an opportunity to look back on the craziness, I realize that we accomplished all that we needed to in order to have a successful move.  We'll move four weeks from this weekend - it is coming up much too fast!  :)  

4. I've purchased more bottles of wine in the last two weeks than I have probably in the last year.  No idea why - I think maybe deep down I desire to be a wine connoisseur and/or collector, but I know that will absolutely, positively, never happen.  :)  I just stopped by Trader Joe's this evening and made my most recent purchases, a California Chardonnay and an Argentinean Carmenere (my most recent favorite) - two wines for under ten bucks!  Looking forward to building up our wine collection, and, obviously, tasting the wines we purchase!  

5. I'm home alone tonight - I sent B off to have fun with some friends.  They're grabbing a beer and taking in "Captain America" at the cinema.  I know he'll enjoy the "comic book" movies more with the guys than he will with me!  I am happy to have this time at home, to (hopefully) restore a bit of order to our apartment.  Our little living space always seems to be thrown into a tizzy during the workweek.  We currently have piles of laundry, dishes, and paper strewn about in multiple locations.  Time to tackle the crazy!  

a presto, tutti!  a presto!! 

1 comment:

Angie said...

Blessings as you prepare for the school year- it is important work that you'll be called to do.