Sunday, March 21, 2010

thank you, Madam Speaker....

thanks to your sweeping healthcare legislation, someday in the far-off future I will need to explain to my children the reason they are still paying for it!  

I wholeheartedly agree that healthcare reform is necessary.  Goodness knows that I've spent enough mindless hours worrying about my own insurance coverage, and what would happen to that coverage if B or I were to fall ill.  I don't disagree that this reform needs to happen - the insurance industry needs to be regulated, and there is a need for access to healthcare for the poorest of Americans.  I just don't think this was the right bill at the right time.  

If we are to pass reforms so vast and so sweeping and so groundbreaking, this legislation certainly shouldn't be done hastily.  It shouldn't have to become law only after payoffs and quid-pro-quo deals take place - that just isn't the way legislation like this should come to pass.  What's more tragic is that these reforms really shouldn't be taking place when a majority of the American people don't agree with it.  I can only imagine what the Founding Fathers would say about the way this law came into being....

I earnestly hope that the predictions of the GOP do not come true after this bill is signed into law: that it will be a trainwreck for our nation, a fiscal calamity, that it will be more devastating to Americans than it is helpful.  I also hope, most earnestly, that the eleventh hour Stupak coalition deals will be more than just meaningless dribble.  It will be the ultimate travesty if this bill becomes the law of the land and innocent, unborn children will have to suffer because of a meaningless, eleventh hour, empty promise.  

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, pray for us!   

Mary the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States, pray for us!  

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