Sunday, September 27, 2009

blender mishaps, flowers, and plenty of beautiful moments: our first month of marriage

We had been married about two weeks and on a beautiful Sunday morning my husband had an idea.  We had yogurt, bananas, and strawberries handy: why not make smoothies to complement what would already be a fantastic breakfast?  Soon he had gone to work putting together all of the ingredients for the perfect smoothie.  Following the blend, he went to detach the pitcher from the motor...only to have the entire smoothie concoction spill out over everything.  It turns out the bottom of the pitcher wasn't screwed onto the pitcher itself, and was still attached to the motor.  I was oblivious to this crisis as the counter was not in my line of vision.  It was only when I approached the counter that I realized the extent of the damage!  :-)  

You can't see it very well, but there are smoothie remnants all over the base of the blender.  Needless to say, it's only been used once since this incident, and only after a thorough inspection of the pitcher and base.  

Beautiful flowers from my husband to celebrate (already!) our first month of marriage.  I can't believe it's already been a month!

In other news, things are plugging along day in and day out.  I am still on the job hunt, looking for something full-time with health benefits for us, so that Brad can switch to part time and focus on his current school stuff and applying to graduate school/taking the LSAT again.   It's a bit scary to know that I'm looking for employment in what seems to be a pretty dismal economy, but that's where trust is a beautiful element in one's life.  

We are still terribly fond of married life, of this beautiful newness in our relationship and the vocation we will learn for the rest of our lives.  Even when the job search and the stalemate of not having employment get the better of the end of the day, we're married - and that's ridiculously crazy, somewhat unbelievable, and undeniably beautiful.  :)

Until next time....!

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