Wednesday, November 12, 2008

do this.

I signed the petition about an hour ago and there are two thousand additional signatures since I signed it.

I know so little about FOCA, but what I do know scares me enough to want to sign this petition over and over and over again. The fact that it was our new president-elect's primary promise to Planned Parenthood makes my heart ache a little bit, too. How can a mother's right to terminate her child in the womb trump the right of the that very child who lives and exists in her womb?

While we're on the subject - it's never a bad idea to contact your elected officials about this. Yes, in certain areas (such as the liberal bastion of Wisconsin), it might seem futile, but the principle of the practice remains. Yes, the Obama administration will not be in office for over two months, but the ball needs to get rolling on this, the sooner, the better.

Rumor has it that the president-elect called Pope Benedict yesterday to thank him for his congratulations on the victory. To be a fly on the wall during that conversation!

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