Monday, April 19, 2010

they really do say the darnedest things.

While babysitting for a new family today of three little girls, the three of us got on the topic of how I knew them.  My name and number were given to their mother by my aunt, who has a daughter who is the same age as the eldest one of these girls - about eight.  I began to explain to them that she's my cousin, which they couldn't quite seem to wrap their heads around.  The middle girl, about five, behind the cutest bespectacled eyes said to me, "well, if you're her cousin, how come you're a grownup?"  I ate it up!  Apparently they don't have any "grownup cousins", and thought it was pretty neat that my cousin had one!  

In His good and perfect will, if God chooses to bless us with children, and only blesses us with little girls, I would be perfectly okay with that.  These little girls warmed my heart so very much.  It was in the little moments of my afternoon that I realized, Yeah, I can totally do this - be a mom.  And boy am I going to love it!  I would be perfectly okay with any beautiful soul God chooses to give us,, little girls.  They are so beautiful!  :)  

A presto

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